Author: Mr X
Facing the changing seasons in Indonesia: Health and lifestyle Tips
Indonesia has unique characteristics in terms of the change of seasons, because of its position on the equator. Some of the unique characteristics of the change of seasons in Indonesia are the rainy season, dry season, and the transition season (transition). This unique characteristic of the change of seasons in Indonesia can certainly have an…
10 Unventilated Room Solutions, Easy To Do!
Let’s try to check how many air vents are in your house Eigerian, does it meet the standards of a healthy room? What about your room, is there adequate ventilation? If not, the tips below are really important for you, there is a list of solutions for rooms without ventilation that you can follow. TABLE…
Pemandian Hutan: Terapi Alam untuk Kesehatan Mental dan Fisik
Pernah dengar pemandian hutan atau shinrin-yoku sebelumnya? Sebenarnya, ini adalah praktik Jepang kuno yang artinya “mandi hutan”. Tapi bukan berarti benar-benar mandi di hutan, ya! Maksudnya adalah melibatkan diri secara penuh dengan alam melalui panca indera. Pemandian hutan sendiri telah banyak mendatangkan manfaat yang berarti bagi kesehatan mental dan fisik, terutama di era modern yang…
9 Healthy Diet Tips To Maintain Physical and Mental stability
Keeping the body in shape and in excellent condition until old age, it may enter the wishlist of many people although not all are trying to tread the path to this condition. Even though if you don’t apply the right lifestyle, the condition of the body in the future can be at stake. Not a…
The 7 pillars of Holistic Health: The Secret to a natural healthy and happy life
Ever heard the term holistic health before, but still confused about how to apply it? Talk about it, yuck! Holistic health refers to an approach that considers the whole individual, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, as an inseparable whole. This approach recognizes that a person’s health is influenced by many factors, including lifestyle, environment,…
Exercise During Illness Has Many Benefits,
Not feeling well,did Eigerian choose to lie down? When you are sick, rest is very important for the recovery of the body. But other than that, there are several things Eigerian needs to do including exercise when sick. It should be understood that light physical activity can improve blood circulation, which helps in the distribution…
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